The Mirror of Stones
Written by Camillus Leonardus M.D. and first published in 1750, the Mirror of Stones is one of the earliest references that describes the qualities and virtues of over two hundred precious gems and jewels.
This facsimile reproduction is limited to two hundred copies, printed on simulated parchment and bound in simulated leather with gold lettering on the spine. The book displayed on the left is number 56. |
GB £: 25.00
By: Camillus Leonardus M.D.
Hardcover, 240 Pages
In Stock

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Kabbalistic Aphorisms
This book of aphorisms is a study aid to the Kabbalah, one of the oldest teachings of the Ancient Wisdom. With its symbol, the Tree of Life, it is not only a spiritual key to life but is also a psychological and philosophical key to life. |
GB £: 5.95
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 2 6
Paperback, 118 Pages
In Stock

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Gemstones and their Occult Powers
Gemstones have fascinated people all down the ages from the lowliest to the highest, atheist to priest. What is their attraction? This book attempts to highlight and give some explanation of the power of the gemstones, dealing with not only with their myths and legends, but also with their esoteric qualities. The therapeutical value of the gems are also discussed and, for the first time in centuries, the various methods of preparing gemstones for therapeutical use are explained. This is a new-age book on a very ancient subject - Gemtherapy - one of the most potent of naturapathic treatments because the gems are a combination of minerals (biotherapy) colour (chromotherapy) and their own vibrational influence. |
GB £: 4.75
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 0 X
Paperback, 130 Pages
Soldout |
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Gemstones and their Occult Powers
This spiral-bound book is a re-print of the same book above (to replace the one that was soldout). Although the cover and format are different, the contents are identical to the previous edition. |
GB £: 4.75
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 0 X
Spiral-Bound, 99 Pages
In Stock

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Aromatics in Ritual and Therapeutics
Perfumes and incense have been used for thousands of years by all cultures. This book lists alphabetically many common aromatics, including recipes, Zodiacal attributions and their use in ritual and healing. |
GB £: 4.75
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 7 7
Paperback, 83 Pages
In Stock

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A Practical Guide to Symbolism
Symbolism is probably the most ancient form of communication known to man. Although for general communication purposes symbolism has been replaced by the many different languages, it is still in use today in several branches of science and art. It is to cover those areas of life where the language of symbolism is still used that this book has been compiled. It should be an invaluable resource for those working in graphic art. Those who interpret dreams will have a handy reference book, and this also applies to those who receive symbols in meditation or through trance. This is an essential book to all students of religion, irrespective of which religion they follow. Most of the holy books contain much symbology and are in many respects closed books unless the symbols can be interpreted, To all those who are interested in symbolic interpretations, this book is offered as a guide. |
GB £: 8.50
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 3 4
Paperback, 267 Pages
In Stock

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The Twelve Rays
This book explains the significance of the Twelve Colour Rays, their attributes and influence on our lives. |
GB £: 4.75
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 8 5
Paperback, 132 Pages
In Stock

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The Cosmic Breath
This book traces the Cosmic Breath through astrology, colour healing, the influence of incense and perfumes, the power of music and the hidden subtle forces in herbs and minerals; all are by-products of the Cosmic Breath.
The Cosmic Breath existed before manifestation; it is the force that brought into being and sustains manifestation. It is the Word that was there in the beginning. The Word is sound, and it gave out other waves of sound which echo through time and space and are constantly vibrating. It is the vibrations ensouled in planets or colour rays that make astrology an occult science and colour a healing force. |
GB £: 4.75
By: James Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 1 8
Paperback, 88 Pages
In Stock

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Colour and the Kabbalah
Joint Principals of the International Order of Kabbalists, Doreen and James Sturzaker have proved, through twenty years of occult experience and research, that colour rays are vital cosmic forces which operate in many varied ways. In this unusual work, the authors offer an interpretation of colour correspondences (sometimes referred to as the 'flashing colours') based on a wide knowledge of occultism. These rays are cosmic builders, sweeping down from Kether, at the top of the Tree of Life, through all the Sephiroth of the Tree, endowing humanity with its many and varied qualities. The authors reveal what the colours mean in connection with the Sephiroth and the Paths, and the implications that lie behind the changing colours of both the Sephiroths and Paths, in the Four Worlds of Kabbalistic philosophy. Most occult teachings on colour are based on the seven rays of the spectrum; an innovative introduction by the Sturzakers is the concept of the 'Twelve Rays', their importance in the whole of life, manifest and unmanifest, as well as their interaction throughout the cosmos. For all occult students who wish to visualize and work with the rays, this book is essential reading since, as far as the authors are aware, no kabbalist to date as ever explained the meaning of the colour rays in their relationship to the myriad aspects of the Tree of Life. |
GB £: 7.95
By: James Sturzaker, with Doreen Sturzaker
ISBN 0 9506168 6 9
Paperback, 287 Pages
In Stock
